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Brian Kardell
  • Developer Advocate at Igalia
  • Original Co-author/Co-signer of The Extensible Web Manifesto
  • Co-Founder/Chair, W3C Extensible Web CG
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Posted on 02/12/2024

StyleSheet Parfait

In this post I'll talk about some interesting things (some people might pronounce this 'footguns') around adoptedStyleSheets, conversations and thoughts around open styling problems and @layer.

If you're not familiar with adopted stylesheets, they're a way that your shadow roots can share literal styesheet instances by reference. That's a cool idea, right? If you have 10 fancy-inputs on the same page, it makes no sense for each of them to have their own copy of the whole stylesheet.

It's fairly early days for this still (in standards and support terms, at least) and we'll put improvements on top of this, but for now it is a pretty basic JavaScript API: Every shadow root now has an .adoptedStyleSheets property, which is an array. You can push stylesheets onto it or just assign an array of stylesheets. Currently those stylesheets have to be instances created via the recently introduced constructor new CSSStyleSheet().


Steve Orvell opened an issue suggesting that I make half-light use adopted stylesheets. Sure, why not. In practice what this really saves is mainly the parse time, since browsers are pretty good at optimizing this otherwise, but that's still important and, in fact, it made the code more concise as well.


However, there is an important bit about adopted stylesheets that I forgot about when I implemented this initially (which is strange because I am on the record discussing it in CSSWG): adopted stylesheets are treated as if they come after any stylesheets in the (shadow) root.

Previously, half-light (and earlier experiments) took great care to put stylesheets from the outer page before any that the component itself. That seems right to me, and what the adopted stylesheets were doing now with adopted stylesheets seemed wrong...

Enter: Layers

A solution to this newly created problem that's fairly easy is to wrap the rules that are adopted with @layer. Then, if your component has a style element, the rules in there will, by default, win. And that's true even if the rules that the page author pushed in had higher specificity! That's a pretty nice improvement. If some code helps you understand, here's a pen that illustrates it all:

See the Pen adoptedstylesheets and layers by вкαя∂εℓℓ (@briankardell) on CodePen.

Layers... Like an ogre.

Eric and I recently did a podcast on the Open Styleable shadow roots topic with Mia. Some of the thoughts she shared, and later conversations that followed with Westbrook and Nolan, convinced me to try to explore how we could use layers in half-light.

It had me thinking that the way that adopted stylesheets and layers both work seems to allow that we could develop some kind of 'shadow styling protocol' here. Maybe the simplest way to do this is to just give the layer a well-known name: I called it --crossroot

Now, when a page author uses half-light to set a style like:

@media --crossroot { 
  h1 { ... }

This is adopted into shadow roots as:

@layer --crossroot { 
  h1 { ... }

That is a lower layer than anything in the default layer of a component's shadow root (both stylesheets or adopted stylesheets).

The maybe interesting part this adds is that it means that the component itself can consciously manage it's layers if it chooses to do so! For example..

this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = `
    @layer base, --crossroot, main;
    /* add rules to those layers  */

If that sounds a little confusing, it's really not too bad - what it means is that, going from least to most specific, rules would evaluate roughly like:

  1. User Agent styles.
  2. Page authored rules that inherit into the Shadow DOM.
  3. @layers (including --crossroot half-light provides) in the shadow
  4. Rules in style elements in the shadow that aren't in a layer.

Combining ideas...

There was also some unrelated feedback from Nolan that this approach was a non-starter for some use cases - like pushing Bootstrap down to all of the shadow roots. The previous shadow-boxing library would have supported that better. Luckily, though we've built this on Media Queries, so CSS has that pretty well figured out - all we have to do is add support to half-light to make Media Queries work in link and style tags (in the head) as well. Easy enough, and I agree that's a good improvement. So, now you can also write markup like this:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="../prism.css" media="screen, --crossroot"></link>

<!-- or to target shadows of specific elements, add a selector... -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../prism.css" media="screen, (--crossroot x-foo)"></link>

So... That's it, this is all in half-light now... And guess what? It's still only 95 lines of code. Thanks for all the feedback so far! So, wdyt? Don't forget to leave me an indication of how you're feeling about it with an emoji (and/or comment) on the Emoji sentiment or short comment issue.

Very special thanks to everyone who has commented and shared thoughts constructively along the way, even when they might not agree. If you actually voted in the emoji sentiment poll: ❤. Thanks especially to Mia who has been great to discuss/review and improve ideas with.