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Brian Kardell
  • Developer Advocate at Igalia
  • Original Co-author/Co-signer of The Extensible Web Manifesto
  • Co-Founder/Chair, W3C Extensible Web CG
  • Member, W3C (OpenJS Foundation)
  • Co-author of HitchJS
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Posted on 03/11/2024

The Darkening

Some additions to my half-light library for styling Shadow DOM.

In case you haven't followed, a number of my recent posts have been thinking about how Shadow DOM falls short, and how we can can use the tools we have today to explore potential solutions and improvements. This has led to good feedback and quick iteration on a tiny library called half-light.

This library lets page authors selectively "push" styles down into shadow roots as adopted @layers. It plugs into CSS's media queries, and allows selectivity on both ends: Which styles and which specific shadow roots. I'm not going to recap the whole concept and interface here because it would just be regurgitating the stuff that's already in the link above. What I want to write about is the latest set of improvements to half-light.


An important point "feature" of half-light is that it doesn't require web components to be built in a special way in order to achieve this. Alternative/Previous ideas required elements to subclass a special element, for example, to say "Yes, I am styleable from above". However, I don't believe that that seems practical for reasons I explained in Lovely Trees. Effectively, it is very difficult to grow iterations on that approach naturally, and there are already so many wonderful components out there which a number of people say "I wish I could use, but alas I cannot provide some basic styling". This library just lets them do exactly that: Provide styling from the outside (with some caveats below), to see what it's like to actually live with that possibility. Do they love it? Ultimately regret it?

I don't believe that this is some kind of breach of contract to allow that kind of styling from the outside in open shadow roots. The simple fact that the library has to do hardly anything shows just how easy it is, technically, for any page author to do it already today. No "new powers" have been added.

It's harder to make this case with closed shadow roots. While it is entirely possible for page authors to take control of closed shadow roots too, they have to achieve this by changing their nature and, effectively saying "sorry, no your closed shadow roots will be open roots in my page". However much I am not a fan of the closed roots, I do think that someone who made their root closed gave a pretty strong opinion that you're not supposed to touch the inside, even if you think you want to.

What I hadn't considered is that open roots could exist inside of closed roots, and with my pattern you could still have styled them the same way. That felt wrong, so I fixed that by making the whole subtree "darkened". That is, half-light can't get any light past it.

I also made a check for an attribute (or property) called darkened which can achieve this for a light DOM as well. You set it on the shadow host. Thus, if you write myElement.darkened = true or <my-element darkened> it will prevent half-light from applying to the whole subtree. That trick can be used by both custom elements and page authors directly if they find it helpful. Similarly, it's benign otherwise, so component authors can start adding it if they want to and whether page authors happen to be using half-light or not doesn't matter.


The very first edition of half-light was a little greedy as to processing and probably was doing a little too much work. I didn't hear anyone say that they actually experienced a problem, but it was clearly not as efficient as it could be, so, I improved that generally.

But I also built half-light to be a little resilient to where in the head it was loaded, and to conveniently to work with dev tools. That means you can go ahead and live-change the CSS its aware of that and will propagate changes down into your components. This is achieved via a MutationObserver.

Now, in practice I don't think this is likely to be much of a problem in most cases. Once the document has settled down enough to start rendering, I'm not sure how heavy head mutations are these days - but it seems pretty reasonable to be able to say "you don't have to keep observing", so I added that ability too. If you include the disable-live-half-light attribute on the script tag that you use to include half-light, it will stop monitoring.

There's a practical upshot to that as well: This means it can also disengage some book keeping which technically leaks memory (this won't practically cause you issues on your blog or something, it's really mainly if you are doing a lot of dynamic stuff in a long-lived application).

Feedback and evolution

What I've appreciated most about this effort is the feedback and iteration. It's kind of amazing to look over such a brief period of time all of the evolution and improvements toward solving a problem. I hope that more and more people find it valuable to explore and let us know how it goes. Real world experimentation and feedback is so valuable toward ultimately developing a standard solution. Thanks to everyone who has reached out, filed issues, written a blog post, or discussed it on a podcast.

If you haven't already, please leave an emoji or a comment on this github issue to help me collect sentiment toward a solution like this in a central place.