Author Information

Brian Kardell
  • Developer Advocate at Igalia
  • Original Co-author/Co-signer of The Extensible Web Manifesto
  • Co-Founder/Chair, W3C Extensible Web CG
  • Member, W3C (OpenJS Foundation)
  • Co-author of HitchJS
  • Blogger
  • Art, Science & History Lover
  • Standards Geek
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Posted on 11/16/2023

Let's Play a Game

It's Interop 24 planning time! Let's play a game: Tell me what you prioritize, or don't and why?

I've written before about how prioritization is hard. Just in the most tangible of terms, there are differing finite resources, distributed differently across organizations. That is, not all teams have the same size or composition, or current availability. They're all also generally managed and planned independently with several other factors in mind, and in totally different architectures. That's a big part of what makes standards often take so long to get sorted out to where everyone can just use them without significant concerns.

Conversely, occasionally we see things ship at what seems by comparison amazing speed. Sometimes that's a bit of an illusion: They've been brewing and aligning hard parts for years and we're only counting the end bits. But other times it's just because we've aligned. A nice way to think about this, if you're a developer, is to compare it to web page performance. If all of the resources just load as discovered and there's no thought put into optimization, things can get really out of control. When you do some optimization and coordination, you can get things many times faster pretty quickly. The big difference here is mainly that instead of milliseconds, with standards substitute weeks or something.

I think that's one of the best things about Interop. While it isn't a promise by anyone or anything, it does seem to serve as a function to get us to focus together on some things and align - doing that optimization work.

It's a damned tricky exercise though, I'm not going to lie. There are so many things to consider and align. I kind of like sharing insight into this because I spent a really long time as a developer myself with a significantly different perspective. Seeing all of this from the inside the last few years has been really eye-opening. So, I thought, let's play a game... It might be useful to both of us.

Below is a list of links to about 90 2024 proposals. It's not carefully complete and I have excluded a few that I personally feel perhaps don't fit the necessary criteria for inclusion. It would, of course, be a huge time suck for you to spend your unpaid time carefully researching all of them - so that's not the game. Note that this represents a tiny fraction of the open issues in the platform - so you can start to see how this is challenging.

So, the game is: Bubble sort as many of these as you can (at least 5-10 would be great) and, optionally, share something back about why you prioritized or de-prioritized something. That can be in a reply blog post, a few messages on social media of your choice, share a gist... Whatever you like.

Here's the list (note there is a bit more prose afterward)

  1. MediaCapture device enumeration
  2. Standardize SVG properties in CSS to support unitless geometry
  3. Fetch Web API
  4. Web Share API
  5. Full support of background properties and remove of prefixes
  6. Canvas text rendering and metrics (2024 edition)
  7. Scroll-driven Animations
  8. Scrollend Events
  9. <search>
  10. text-box-trim
  11. Web Audio API
  12. CSS :dir() selectors and dir=auto interoperability
  13. CSS Nesting
  14. WebRTC peer connections and codecs
  15. scrollbar-width CSS property
  16. JavaScript Promise Integration
  17. CSS style container queries (custom properties)
  18. Allowing <hr> inside of <select>
  19. CSS background-clip
  20. text-wrap: pretty
  21. font-size-adjust
  22. requestIdleCallback
  23. <details> and <summary> elements
  24. CSS text-indent
  25. Relative Color Syntax
  26. scrollbar-color CSS property
  27. input[type="range"] styling
  28. Top Layer Animations
  29. Gamut mapping
  30. Canvas2D filter and reset
  31. WebXR
  32. User activation (2024 edition)
  33. text-transform: full-size-kana & text-transform: full-width
  34. document.caretPostitionFromPoint
  35. Unit division and multiplication for mixed units of the same type within calc()
  36. EXPAND :has() to include support for more pseudo-classes
  37. WebM AV1 video codec
  38. CSS image() function
  39. WebDriver BiDi
  40. CSS box-decoration-break
  41. text-wrap: balance
  42. inverted-colors Media Query
  43. Accessibility (computed role + accname)
  44. display: contents
  45. Accessibility issues with display properties (not including display: contents)
  46. HTMLVideoElement.requestVideoFrameCallback()
  47. Text Fragments
  48. blocking="render" attribute on scripts and style sheets
  49. Indexed DB v3
  50. Declarative Shadow DOM
  51. attr() support extended capabilities
  52. Notifications API
  53. HTTP(S) URLs for WebSocket
  54. WasmGC
  55. size-adjust
  56. video-dynamic-range Media Query
  57. CSS scrollbar-gutter
  58. CSS Typed OM Level 1 (houdini)
  59. import attributes / JSON modules / CSS modules
  60. CSS element() function
  61. View Transitions Level 1
  62. Local Network Access and Mixed Content specification
  63. WebM Opus audio codec
  64. Custom Media Queries
  65. Trusted Types
  66. WebTransport API
  67. CSS object-view-box
  68. Intersection Observer v2
  69. Custom Highlight API
  70. backdrop-filter
  71. WebRTC “end-to-end-encryption”
  72. Streams
  73. Media pseudo classes: :paused/:playing/:seeking/:buffering/:stalled/:muted/:volume-locked
  74. CSS box sizing properties with MathML Core
  75. Detect UA Transitions on same-document Navigations
  76. css fill/stroke
  77. JPEG XL image format
  78. font-family keywords
  79. CSS Multi-Column Layout block element breaking
  80. Navigation API
  81. Ready-made counter styles
  82. hidden=until-found and auto-expanding details
  83. Popover
  84. P3 All The Things
  85. URLPattern
  86. margin-trim
  87. overscroll-behavior on the root scroller
  88. CSS Painting API Level 1 (houdini)
  89. CSS Logical Properties and Values
  90. CSS caret, caret-color and caret-shape properties

The tricky thing is that there is no 'right' answer here, and one can easily make several cases. For example, perhaps we should prioritize things that cannot be polyfilled or done with pre-processors over things that can. That sounds reasonable enough, but given that the queue never empties: Do you just do that forever? Does it eventually lead to larger areas that are ignored? Similarly, do you focus on the things that are sure to be used by everyone, or do you assume those already get the most priority and focus on the things that don't. Do you pick certain compat pain points/bugs, or focus on launching new features quickly and very interoperably?

It's a hard game! Looking forward to your answers.