Igalia: 2024 Mid-season Power Rankings
Let’s take the good old annual look at how Igalia is stacking up so far in terms of Open Source contributions - you know, "The One With the Charts"
Igalia is involved in so many things it's honestly hard for me to keep track. So, every now and then, I like to step back and take stock of it, and what it means to the open source ecosystem. Let's have a look...
The Big Browser Projects
Some interesting shifts this year in browser projects and where we've made the biggest impacts.
In 2018 Microsoft announced that they were switching to a Chromium based engine. However, in 2019 it was Igalia (not Microsoft) who wound up with the most commits to Chromium (after Google). We thought for sure that they would overtake us in 2020, but we also had the most commits in 2020. And in 2021, 2022 and 2023. 5 years later, after increases on their end and some shifts on ours, Microsoft has finally eclipsed us as the one with the most commits after Google. Congratulations Microsoft!... Enjoy it! For now :)
Top 10 contributors
Contributor | Contributions |
Microsoft | 37.26% |
Igalia | 17.94% |
Intel | 12.41% |
januschka.com | 6.72% |
Opera | 6.09% |
Samsung | 1.69% |
Bytedance | 1.48% |
LGE | 0.90% |
Anton Bershanskyi | 0.79% |
Md Hasibul Hasan | 0.74% |
It's nice to see Intel and Opera stepping it up this year too!
It seems impossible to not comment on the fact that > 6.7% of commits this year are from a single individual, Helmut Januschka as mostly unpaid work. On the one hand, that's heroic but also, it feels a little exploitative, right? Multi-million, billion or even trillion dollar corporations with products built on chromium could surely fund a little more. If you work for one of those and would like to help change that...

Another distinction that is perhaps worth making is that this is measuring commits to the whole chromium project which is kind of a super project. The majority of the code (and commits) are in support of the browser (chromium is a also base browser implementation without some of the "Google" stuff that is in Chrome). These include graphics/rendering related standalone projects like SKIA, or wildvine for DRM, or things that deal with the different OS windowing systems (X/Wayland on Linux, for example), abstract plumbing for chromium based downstream. On the engine itself, it's mainly just Google, Microsoft, Igalia, Intel and Opera.
Still the number one contributors after Apple to WebKit 💪🏻💪🏼💪🏽💪🏾💪🏿.
Top 10 contributors
Contributor | Contributions |
Igalia | 65.65% |
Sony | 16.40% |
Ubie | 3.19% |
Red Hat | 2.63% |
softathome.com | 1.16% |
Rose | 0.99% |
Alexey Knyazev | 0.73% |
GitHub | 0.73% |
Ian Grunert | 0.69% |
cox.net | 0.65% |
Hey look at that - Igalia moves into second place after Mozilla! I'm not sure how anyone could not observe that André Bargull (@anba, a contributor to Mozilla for 16 years!) is just amazingly prolific and important to the project. Mozilla has a long tail of almost 600 individual/unaffliated contributors!
Top 10 contributors
Contributor | Contributions |
André Bargull | 23.75% |
Igalia | 10.71% |
Red Hat | 8.74% |
Birchill | 6.19% |
protonmail.com | 5.66% |
longsonr | 3.38% |
Jonatan Klemets | 2.43% |
yahoo.com | 1.82% |
Debadree Chatterjee | 1.63% |
Mugurell | 1.52% |
Would you expect Igalia to be #2 in HTML? We are, this year! It's astounding the size of the role Google plays in a lot of this stuff, really. Then again, they have the only economic model for it so it makes a lot of sense that they invest heavily - this is peanuts comparatively.
Top 10 contributors
Contributor | Contributions |
40.12% | |
Igalia | 14.37% |
Apple | 12.57% |
Mozilla | 3.59% |
ibiblio.org | 2.99% |
w3.org | 2.99% |
Alex Rudenko | 2.40% |
serenityos.org | 1.80% |
meiert.com | 1.80% |
Tawanda Moyo | 1.80% |
What about DOM? Hey-o it's us again! Good job Igalia!
Top 10 contributors
Contributor | Contributions |
40.12% | |
Igalia | 14.37% |
Apple | 12.57% |
Mozilla | 3.59% |
ibiblio.org | 2.99% |
w3.org | 2.99% |
Alex Rudenko | 2.40% |
serenityos.org | 1.80% |
meiert.com | 1.80% |
Tawanda Moyo | 1.80% |
It's almost like we're the 4th browser engine - #4 in contributions to Web Platform Tests, after Google, Mozilla, Apple. Go us!
Top 10 contributors
Contributor | Contributions |
45.51% | |
Mozilla | 18.49% |
Apple | 7.62% |
Igalia | 6.15% |
Intel | 4.09% |
Microsoft | 3.69% |
Opera | 0.99% |
Maksim Sadym | 0.96% |
Jonathan Lee | 0.88% |
longsonr | 0.78% |
We are champions
There are also a few related projects where Igalia is now the champion: Servo, the independent, parallel, memory safe, Rust based engine - and Wolvic, the XR browser formerly known as Firefox Reality, and Babel where we have been playing a huge role. In each of these projects Igalia is doing sponsored work, and our own investment because we believe they are important to the ecosystem right now.
#1 in servo 🔥🔥!
It's still recent history that Igalia got involved in Servo, but it's been exciting to watch it develop! If you or your organization would be interested in funding some work, reach out to me. You can also donate via GitHub sponsors or open collective.
Top 10 contributors
Contributor | Contributions |
Igalia | 43.94% |
sagudev | 7.96% |
Huawei | 4.16% |
inventati.org | 3.71% |
Taym Haddadi | 3.54% |
Oluwatobi Sofela | 3.45% |
Zesty | 2.83% |
Rosemary Ajayi | 2.12% |
Mozilla | 1.77% |
Crab Nebula | 1.68% |
Igalia is also #1 in Babel commits 🔥🔥! Did you expect it? Nicolò Ribaudo has been busy!
Top 10 contributors
Contributor | Contributions |
Igalia | 38.58% |
liuxingbaoyu | 28.19% |
Huáng Jùnliàng | 20.18% |
renovate[bot] | 2.08% |
Amjad Yahia Robeen Hassan | 1.48% |
Sukka | 1.19% |
blake.id | 0.59% |
fisker Cheung | 0.59% |
samual.uk | 0.59% |
ynnsuis | 0.30% |
Of course, as the stewards of Wolvic, we're the #1 in contributors there too! 91.6% of commits! There's also now the wolvic-chromium
Top 10 contributors
Contributor | Contributions |
Igalia | 91.64% |
weblate.org | 1.55% |
reimu.nl | 1.24% |
сэр Аноним | 1.24% |
Felipe Erias | 0.93% |
hotmail.es | 0.93% |
opensuse.org | 0.62% |
Ha Anh Vu | 0.31% |
Houssem Nasri | 0.31% |
HoussemNasri | 0.31% |
Igalia has had an investment in accessibility for years. We've got a lot of expertise, and play an important role in some key projects:
Realisically this should be above as we're pretty much the maintainers of Orca, the screen reader for Linux (shout out to my colleague Joanie!).
Top 10 contributors
Contributor | Contributions |
Igalia | 76.43% |
ubuntu.com | 2.42% |
gnome.org | 2.17% |
Andy Holmes | 1.78% |
bk.ru | 1.15% |
pickup.hu | 1.15% |
gtu.ge | 1.15% |
Yaron Shahrabani | 1.15% |
ukr.net | 0.89% |
Sabri Ünal | 0.89% |
Igalia is #3 in commits to the aria repo - unsurprising as our colleague Valerie Young is co-chair of the working group!
Top 10 contributors
Contributor | Contributions |
Paciello Group | 21.51% |
w3.org | 17.74% |
Igalia | 16.13% |
github-actions[bot] | 9.68% |
Daniel Montalvo | 7.53% |
Peter Krautzberger | 5.38% |
Adobe | 4.84% |
Matt Garrish | 4.30% |
usablenet.com | 1.61% |
pkra | 1.61% |
The AAMs are what actually map the standards to the accessibility layer, there are several of them. Very few people work on these, and guess who is pretty important there too? If you guessed Igalia, you'd be right. Igalia is the #1 contributor in CORE-AAM, Graphics-AAM and MathML-AAMs.
Top 10 contributors
Contributor | Contributions |
github-actions[bot] | 28.57% |
Igalia | 28.57% |
w3.org | 28.57% |
Paciello Group | 14.29% |
That's not remotely all
These are just some that I am closer to and feel are interesting to highlight, but the list of open source repositories in which Igalia is playing an important to critical role is way longer than this. For example:
- Igalia #2 in commits to GStreamer, the powerful multimedia framework. We're the main maintainers of the GStreamer ports of WebKit used in Linux browsers on desktops as well as on a plethora of embedded devices.
- We've been very involved in work on GL, and contributing to Khronos Vulkan, OpenGL, and OpenGL ES Conformance Tests. In fact, we are the #1 contributor to the Vulkan GL Conformance Test Suite Repository!
- Igalia is the #2 contributor to the CI-tron project, which was started by Valve and is currently developed mostly by Valve contractors. CI-tron lets developers easily create CI systems based on bare metal computers, which is particularly important for Mesa and other open-source graphics projects.
- Igalia is the #1 contributor to libsoup the HTTP client/server library for GNOME.
- Igalia is the #3 contributor to Mesa the 3D Graphics Library
Anyway, I love to take the time to look at these every year and see how we're doing. It's easy to get lost in the bustle of everything that's going on and miss how much we really do - it's good to take stock. I hope that others find this interesting too, and maybe learn something about Igalia. Most of the work that we do is funded by companies. If your organization has some needs, you know where to find me :)